Sunday, August 19, 2012

Why AM I writing about the Titanic every day?

According to Blogger, I've written 25 posts for this blog.

When I started it, I pledged to write about the Titanic every day for a month.  So that's 6 more posts, including this one.

I started this blog and made that pledge as a kind of writing discipline--to see if I could write every day for an audience (albeit a small one--several of my posts, um, more than several, have had exactly 0 views).  I wanted to see how that would go, how it would affect my writing.

I also like studying something in this way--to hold it up and look at it from this way and that.  What kinds of movies were made, what do people collect, what can I learn about the event itself.

As 19th century novelist Anthony Trollope said:

“A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules.” 


This is the man who wrote The Warden and Barchester Towers and The Small House at Allington. He knows about what comes of small daily tasks.

He wrote those lovely Barchester books (six of them, well worth reading and rereading!) while being employed by the Post Office.  Probably he just had a little time each day to write, and that's how he wrote the novels.
A plaque on the building where Trollope worked for the Post office. His "day job" didn't keep him from writing.

Blogs seem to be a great way to encourage the small daily task of writing--whether it's about TaeKwonDo, or about the Titanic, knowing you just need to spend a half-hour a day writing is liberating.  Then when you're doing your postal work--whether it's actual postal work, or being with little children, or working in an office, or writing mercenary stories for the local newspaper--one part of your brain can be coming up with some sentences for the next post.

What shall I say about those interesting Titanic editorial cartoons from 1912?

P.S.  I did miss one day.  I will still do 31 days of writing. :-)

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